My want list

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

So today is my Monday want list: (I have no Idea where I sourced the pictures, I think most of them are from tumblr)

 A hyena with which I can share food with,

This girl's hair, body and tan (instead I have hair that chooses to grow wide instead of long, same applies to the body now ha!)

 A bicycle. I had one. I left it. Somewhere.

This ring, which is almost as awesome as having a pet hyena to share food with,

Good old Disprin, because right now, I am suffering from a headache that could wake a hibernating bear.


Lana {lanalou style} said...

Thanks for the comment! Love that old disprin bottle :)

Anonymous said...

That ring is really interesting!

Megan said...

@ Lana - ah! I am honoured! Thank you for your comment.

@ Lentie - where is your blog? I nearly died, because I can't access it.

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