St Lucia: THe bay of light

Friday, August 31, 2012

When my family, Flip and I trekked the nine hours down to St Lucia, in KwaZulu-Natal, I did not know what to expect, as I have never been there. We arrived after dark, so I had even less of a clue. Then I awoke before the crack of dawn on Saturday and rushed to the beach.

This seven street coastal town, serene and lush - with littoral shrubberies, sand & sea, crocodiles and hippos - has captured my heart.

Although the wind had made the better of us in the first few days, chasing us untimely from the shores, as sand stung like caustic bees protecting its picturesque territory, we still dipped our toes in the jagged, dark sea.

I should add that this feat in itself might be the bravest thing I have ever done, as this part of the coast has not been safemade by shark deterring nets.

The playing field was open and even, and I constantly checked the water for movement. Not that I could see much through the turbulent waves.

But I prefer it this way, it keeps the tourists at bay. {excuse the pun}


Hayley said...

Stunning photos!

helen said...

the first photo is particularly mesmerizing. amazinggg :)

Lisamarie said...

Did you get into the water???????

Caley-Jade Rosenberg said...

LOVE these images - captures the beach and ocean in a very different light and feel (not your usual bright and sunny pics!)

Johlet said...

Your pictures are amazing!
What camera do you use?

I still want to go and just explore SA, there is so much to see!


Fiona said...

I love St Lucia! Did you manage to take a drive to Cape Vidal? It's a must see next time you are up that way :)
Lovely pics.

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