Housekeeping and Sponsor call

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Heya guys, some of you may or may not have noticed that I did another little change to my blog. I just felt that I needed a cleaner look, and something that wasn't as mismatched as the older look.

& after:

which one do you prefer?

I also did a little bit of twitching on my intro thingamabob on the side.


& after

Don't you just like it when things change and grow as you change and grow.
Waxing and waning.

Now onto business.
Whether you would like to sponsor this blog  for a small incentive, or just do an ad swap, drop me an email at


Tiffany said...

I like the changes! they are small and subtle but still make your blog look lovely (=

Emma Frances said...

I love the changes although I missed a lot of the before! But it really looks great!! :] You've got skills!

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