Happy Birthday Spree!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

This weekend we did some spring cleaning - or should that be autumn cleaning? Flip and I each hauled a few black bags around the house and threw everything that looked like we haven't touched it in the last two months away. I'm not saying that this was the pivotal point, but we watched an episode of Hoarding: Buried Alive and suddenly we were running around like frantic cleaning machines.

This included our closets. I finally threw out all my shoes that Mila thought were so delicious; the ones which had a little bit of a funky smell (what?) and shoes I have never touched and will probably never touch - hand me down heels. Luckily, the online shopping nervecentre Spree! just celebrated their first birthday and are now having a whopping 50% off sale on some of their items until May 4.

I applied the same logic to my wardrobe and have to admit that although I like loads of space I have for new clothes - yay for a new winter wardrobe - it was much more difficult to part with my clothes than snacked-on shoes.  Other pieces were really easy to discard, I had a few 'what was I even thinking' moments. So I will make full use of this 50% off sale to warm myself up! I chose some items from the sale to make myself a cute little outfit below. I sourced an inspiration outfit from Pinterest and based the entire look around the cute sequins mini skirt! It's to die for!

PS: The most fantastic thing is that the sale isn't just limited to clothes! It includes baby things, accesories, toys, decor and gifts! What are you waiting for? Click on the ad below to check out other fabulous items on sale.


Johlet said...

Hmmm Ek is lus vir n shopping spree!

Seams and Silhouettes said...

I love a cute sequined skirt!!! Very cute outfit!

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