Worst lunch ever...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

With month's end winking, and me scraping in the last cents I have found under the mats and in between the seats in my car, I managed to buy a packet of chicken and mushroom flavoured two minute noodles, only to come into the office kitchen and be greeted by an over-worked microwave heaving it's last breath (much like many other things in this office.)

So, I decided to pour some hot water over it and just let it soak for a few minutes. Hot water noodles isn't the same as nuked noodles :(

If only I had remembered to pack last night's left over pasta with delicious, yet salty, mushroom and ham sauce. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

Hint: put a small plate upside down over your bowl of noodles for a couple of minutes and the steam will cook it just as well as a microwave :)

Megan said...

Thanks Lentie! I will definitely try and remember it. Hopefully dinner will be better...

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