Phuza Thursday

Friday, May 6, 2011

It's Friday right, so why am I posting about Thursday? Because Friday is the day after Phuza Thursday.

And unbeknownst to myself, until this moment right here, I have celebrated each Thursday in the year that is 2011. And some of the Thursdays in 2010. And I only realised now that I have spent so many Thursday phuzaing.

What am I going on about? Well, this is how urban dictionary puts it:

Said (poo-zah)
As 'phuza' is the traditional Zulu term for drink, it follows that 'Phuza Thursday' is the act of drinking (most commonly binge drinking) on a Thursday night. This has become a burgeoning tradition among South African youth, with Thursday nights almost replacing Friday nights as occasions for heavy drinking.

Good ol' G&T

So, in celebration, here are a few facts about an average Phuza Thursday (or more so G&T):

  • It is usually spent with the beau and when I can convince my friends to join us, after we have already had a few drinks, them too.
  • I always drink a G&T. Last year, I hated it. Couldn't stand the taste. But then we went to Phuket and Flip was going on about how I should order a Tom Collins, neither of us really knowing what that is. Long story short, I have only ever had one TC, because we don't know what it is, and no one else does, but it taste pretty much like a G&T and that got me to drink an old lady's drink.
  • Flip once tried gin & tonic, not knowing that it had quite a frank taste. He claims that he still can't get the taste out of his mouth and that he would never touch it again.
I perfected the fish face me thinks! Flip on the other hand...he has a flash in his eye


Anonymous said...

Just stumbled across your blog and love it! Too cute! I am Megan... too! Nothing like a good G&T. Sounds perfect for tonight. New follower and just wanted to say hi = )

Abby said...

At my university, thursday night was our friday night too because most people didn't have class on Friday. Those were fun times!

Megan said...

Hey Meg! nice to meet ya! I swear if someone were ever to do a census about the names of bloggers, Megan would make up about 95%.

Oh Abby, now I'm missing my varsity days! Only difference is, almost every night was phuza night :) those were some good times!

christine donee said...

that last picture just made my Friday.

Megan said...

Don't laugh Christine, that's how I pull my face when I try to look pretty! ;)

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