Let sleeping dogs lie

Monday, July 1, 2013

As you all should know by now is that I am fanatic about dogs. It's sort of manic obsessive, but I don't say this out loud too much, because people might start looking at me funny. I stumbled upon an artist from Brooklyn, Bee Johnson, who not only documents her life with her pittbull named Annie, but also does commissions for magazines and people. She recently also published a book 'Where Dreaming Dogs Go' and I simply adore it.

Here's some of her work. Isn't is fantastic?


I would love some of her work in my child's nursery some day!


Claudz said...

These are so cool!

Odette said...

Her illustrations are amazing. I especially love the one where the dog looks like a fox.

meghan silva said...

She really is so super talented .

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