Boeretroos at Klapperkop

Monday, March 28, 2011

Shoo, I really feel like I need a break after this weekend, but it was so much fun! We had roadhouse food with my parents in Pretoria and had a little history lesson at Fort Klapperkop in Groenkloof. At least I think it's in Groenkloof.

I learned that the fort was designed by Von Dewitz and German engineering company Krupp to protect Snor City from the Queen's soldiers, aka the English army. It was built at a cost of £50 000, which in the 1890's was a crap load of money, but was never used as no-one ever bothered to fire at the enemy after being attacked. It was occupied without resistance on 5 June 1900.

I always find trips to Anlgo-Boer War museums very amusing when I am with my mother. She likes to voice her utter hatred of the Colonial British and likes to shout profanities at Lord Kitchener whenever she sees a picture of him. Yet, she chose to marry an Englishman. "Don't know why I did that," she replies when I point it out.


thobeka said...

i've never been to one of these museums *gasp!*... looks like fun though! thanks for the info :)

Megan said...

You should check it out! So much to learn. I am a bit of a history geek, so it was a lot of fun!

Jenna said...

Looks like so much fun! - haha my boyfriend is an Afrikaaner through and through so he is the same - they'll never change ;)

ps Sun City was booked out, so instead we ended up deciding on Clarence - can't wait for the weekend!

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